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CV: Aki Toyosaki

AGE: 17 (physical)/HEIGHT: 159 cm/SPECIES: angel/DOB: March 6

Vesper is known to be a very relaxed person in her life, she doesn't let anyone ruin her mood, but she gets excited easily. Furthermore, she is very gluttonous and spends most of her free time eating sweets or junk food. 

At first glance she may seem dense, however she proves herself to be a very smart, and sometimes even intimidating, person. She also cherishes and loves Lucifer more than anything else and probably wouldn't let anyone touch her. When someone tries to talk to her she usually just gives them a serious glare.

For two angels Vesper and Lucifer were incredibly close, too close for everyone's liking perhaps. They would neglect their work and get distracted or procrastinate by playing little games.

One day Vesper began to notice that her dear friend started to talk to her less and less and their relationship started to fall apart slowly but surely. Even though the little girl was not comfortable about following her friend without her knowing about it, she thought that she had no other choice. Following her dear best friend, she noticed that Lucifer had used the gate to the human world, it was usually heavily guarded and only used for important missions, so she couldn't understand why she went through it. Normally, she would have told her if she was given an important mission. As the gate was being watched by guards, Vesper didn't have a choice but to give up on following Lucifer.

On another seemingly regular day, the girl would notice that Lucifer wasn't sleeping on the bed beside her. It was the first time ever that she woke up without her friend. Even though she was devastated, she continued her usualy daily routine. During grocery shopping she noticed that there was a lot of ruckus going around at the gate to the human world. Curiously, she sprinted towards the crowd and pushed herself through to see what was going on. It was Lucifer, surrounded by guards. They were yelling and screaming, apparently she had a committed a sin, a sin which would not be forgiven as an angel. During a mission she had fallen in love with a human and continued to meet them, using "important" missions as an excuse. She couldn't believe that her friend had committed such sins, risking not seeing ever Vesper again. For her sins, Lucifer received punishment and was banished to the human world.

Vesper couldn't stand the fact of not being able to see Lucifer ever again, so she too committed a sin to be banned to the human world.



  • Lucifer

  • food

  • rain

  • doing stuff together with Lucifer

  • hugs

  • the place she considers home



  • waking up early

  • being sick

  • eye contact

  • being hungry

  • people who intend to harm Lucifer

  • when the kitchen explodes while she attempts to cook



  • her name used to be Hynori, which is my artist name

  • she used to be my persona

  • also used to be a Fairy Tail OC

  • her alignment is chaotic good

  • I made her in 2013 along with Lucifer, but changed her design a ton of times

  • her epithets/titles are "Vesper der Abendstern" (Vesper the evening-star) and "Keeper of Hiraeth"

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