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「I never want to forget those days.」

CV: Hayami Saori








161 cm



August 01, 1995


Kasumi is an individual who is often found lost in thoughts. Unless someone calls her out, she can think about something for hours. It's not easy to approach her if she isn't familiar enough with you. She's not very talkactive around people unless she trusts them. She's often accompanied by a rather melancholic looking expression on her face, although she truly enjoys smiling and laughing. Once she has set her goal on something, it's hard to make her give up. It's often the case that she wants to impress someone by being determined. She is a fast learner, thanks to her perceptive skills she quickly understands concepts. She improves those skills by observing other people. She is easily embarrassed when someone points out her mistakes. In said state she performs poorly in comparison to how she usually would and acts without thinking.

Currently, she attends True Cross Academy and its exorcist cram school as a spy for a secret underground exorcist organization. She was forced to join and taken away from her family, who made a pact with them when their life was in danger, which happened during the time Kasumi's mother was pregnant with her. The reason why exactly they had to make this pact is unknown to her.

Since her birth she has been able to see demons and used to be afraid of them as a child, but people brushed it off as her imagination whenever she mentioned it.

Up until junior high, she has been living a somewhat peaceful life. But once she enrolled, her grades and social life went down the drain and ended up being a cast-out. For a while she was all alone until she met an upperclassman who was just as lonely as her and they ended up developing a close bond. Kasumi really looked up to her and was gifted an accessory by her, which she is still wearing to this day. But ever since she was taken away during her second year of junior high, she hasn't seen her.

After joining the underground organization, she went through harsh training for an entire year before enrolling at True Cross Academy. It was during this time that she received her familiar, Jin, who is able to transform into various weapons. Her mission is to observe a certain student and make daily reports.


  • home

  • sunflowers

  • singing

  • family

  • kendo

  • swords

  • sweets


  • lies

  • not being herself

  • unfamiliar/far-off places

  • forgetting things

  • fake personalities

  • failing

  • jealousy








varies, most of the time it's a katana, sometimes kusarigama or regular chains

observant and perceptive, can read enemies' patterns; experienced swordsman skills

tamer and knight

Jin (written like 金 kin), a middle ranked metal demon who transforms into various metal objects and basically functions the same as them but with enchanted powers. Kasumi summons him through a magic circle tattoo on her left palm. Classified as kin of Amaimon.


  • She used to be my persona until January 2016, which was the time when I got into AoEx. That's when I decided to basically turn her into a fan character.

  • She likes singing, but everytime she does it's mostly very sad songs. She also quickly gets embarrassed when someone hears her singing.

  • She wears braids because of her former upperclassman, who always wore braided pigtails.

  • Her mother was a florist and her father an office worker.

  • She sometimes talks to her familiar Jin.

  • Kasumi's name is written with the kanji 空 (often read as sora, meaning sky) but writes in in hiragana most of the time.

  • She loves sweets and pastries and basically likes anything from the japanese cuisine.

  • Favorite manga genres are action and comedy but also has a weakness for cheesy shoujo manga.

  • Average sleep time is around 6 hours (she writes reports to the secret organization late in the night).

  • Has a crush on a certain person which is important to her story but I'm not comfortable enough talking about it.

  • Her favorite word is 星空 hoshizora (starry sky).

  • Her favorite pastimes are singing and (formerly) kendo practice.

  • Her alignment is chaotic neutral. 

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